

ERN eUROGEN aims to share information from the network with all relevant stakeholders through dissemination and communication.

By clicking the links, you can read our latest news and past newsletters, see a list of upcoming events relevant to the ERN, see scientific publications generated by the ERN and its members, see where we have been mentioned in external media, and find our social media accounts.

You can download our dissemination plan and our dissemination report.

European Collaborative Platform (ECP)

The ERN Collaborative Platform, known as the ECP, is a secure web-based platform that supports the ERN Board of Member States for ERNs (BoMS), the ERN Coordinators, and ERN members in their online communication, document management, and event organisation. It is not for the exchange of patient data (personal or clinical).

Authorised Users: Registered users can log into the ECP here.

Requesting Access to the ECP: Access to the ECP is strictly regulated to protect data privacy. Only authenticated users (EU Login) can request authorisation (SAAS) from the ERN to use the ECP. For those working in our healthcare providers who are not registered, here is a guide to creating your EU Login and applying for access to the ECP.