Workstream 1

Workstream 1: Rare congenital uro-recto-genital anomalies

Workstream 1 (WS1) focuses on rare congenital uro-recto-genital anomalies. The Expertise Areas (EAs) covered by Workstream 1 are:

These EAs require specific diagnoses and surgical correction, often in both acute and staged approaches in neonatal or childhood stages. Expertise is crucial to prevent costly and harmful secondary surgeries. Multi-disciplinary teams (MDTs) offer life-long care, enhancing post-operative well-being. ERN eUROGEN bridges paediatric and adult care gaps, enhancing outcomes through crossover and workstream transfer from WS1 to WS2. Improved transition ensures lifelong positive outcomes and disease self-management, ensuring continuous care across life stages.


Workstream Lead:

Giovanni Mosiello

Clinical Lead:

Andrzej Gołębiewski

Education Lead:

Jorgen Thorup

Research Lead:

Magdalena Fossum

General Resources