

ERN eUROGEN is led by the Coordinator and Sub-Coordinator, supported by the Coordination Team, steered by the Strategic Board and Operational Board, and advised by the ePAG and Supporting Partners.

Coordinating HCP

The ERN eUROGEN Coordinating HCP is Radboudumc, which is the sole beneficiary of EC funds provided to support the network. Radboudumc is very familiar with running large EC research proposals and has extensive in-house resources, including experienced legal and ethics departments, a privacy office, an EU grants team, financial support teams, a clinical trials office, data entry support, data stewards, and data protection support.

Radboudumc employees (both clinical and non-clinical, across multiple departments in the HCP) support the HCP Network Coordinator Representative and the Coordination Team. This streamlined process and the significant contributions of the healthcare professionals working there facilitate the management of ERN eUROGEN.

Coordination Team

You can read about the Coordination Team here.

Strategic Board

The Strategic Board for ERN eUROGEN is chaired by the healthcare provider (HCP) Network Coordinator Representative and includes one representative from each of our healthcare provider (HCP) Full Members and Affiliated Partners (Associated National Centers and National Coordination Hubs) and the Chair of our ERN Patient Advocacy Group (ePAG). Members of the Board may appoint a deputy if they are not able to attend a Strategic Board meeting. Decisions will be taken by consensus or a majority agreement of 80%. The Strategic Board is responsible for discussing strategic issues relating to the development and expansion of the activities of the ERN, such as new applications from Full Members and Affiliated Partners and initiatives relating to all of ERN eUROGENs’ Work Packages.

Annual Strategic Board Meeting Reports

Operational Board

The Operational Board is comprised of the Network Coordinator, the Programme Manager, the three Workstream Leads, a representative of the EAU Guidelines Office, a European Patient Advocacy Group (ePAG) representative, and the Clinical, Research and Educational Leads for each workstream. An ex officio position is available to a representative of the European Commission. Where added value can be achieved, other ERN networks will be invited to be represented. The Operational Board will report and make recommendations to the Strategic Board for ERN eUROGEN. The Operational Board meets more frequently (three times a year) than the Strategic Board (once a year). Workstream Leads hold monthly (WS1 & WS3) or quarterly meetings (WS2) via videoconferencing.

European Patient Advocacy Group (ePAG)

You can read about our European Patient Advocacy Group here.

Supporting Partners

You can read about our Supporting Partners here.

Governance Statutes

Our governance statutes can be downloaded here.

Development Strategy

Our development strategy, as agreed by the Strategic Board, can be downloaded here.