eUROGEN Webinar: Newborn management of ARM in male patients
6 October 2020On Tuesday 20th October at 18:00 CEST, we will be continuing our series of eUROGEN webinars. This webinar will...
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Conflicts of Interest & Disclosures in the ERNs
5 October 2020The ERN Working Group on Legal & Ethical issues and relations with Stakeholders (ERN LES WG) has developed and...
eUROGEN Webinar: Female Incontinence – from diagnosis to treatment in complex cases
2 September 2020On Tuesday 15th September at 18:00 CEST, we will be continuing our series of eUROGEN webinars. This webinar will...
Kick off meeting held for ERN eUROGEN Registry
4 August 2020The aim of the ERN eUROGEN Registry is to build a patient-centred and interoperable registry hub for rare urorectogenital...
2020 CEF Telecom eHealth Call Launched
4 August 2020The 2020 CEF Telecom eHealth call opened on 30 June 2020 and makes an indicative €5 million of funding available in this area....
Clarification on ERNs and industry
4 August 2020A new Addendum to the ERN Board Statement has been drafted by the working group on “Legal & Ethical...
Successful applicants for EJP RD’s ERN fellowship exchange
4 August 2020ERN eUROGEN’s two applicants successfully received funding for an ERN fellowship exchange in the first ‘EJP RD ERN RD...
ERN Project Managers Group: inaugural virtual meetings held
4 August 2020The ERN Project Managers (PMs) held virtual meetings on 15 and 23 July 2020, with the kind support of...
eUROGEN Webinar: Paediatric Colorectal Surgery – An introduction to eUROGEN ARM Webinars
17 July 2020On Tuesday the 21st July at 18:00 CEST, we will be continuing our series of eUROGEN webinars. This webinar...
ERN Guidelines Training – First Announcement
6 July 2020The ERN Guidelines Consortium training programme for ERN Clinical Practice Guidelines (CPGs) and Clinical Decision Support Tools (CDSTs) is planned...