Webinar Series for Ukraine: Spinal Dysraphisms

Webinar Series for Ukraine: Spinal Dysraphisms

On Thursday, 16 November, in collaboration with OMNI-NET Ukraine and the International Federation for Spina Bifida and Hydrocephalus (IFSBH), ERN eUROGEN will launch a series of webinars focused on spinal dysraphisms.

These sessions will be aimed primarily at Ukrainian clinicians, with all of the presentations being subtitled in Ukrainian, but they will also be available to our wider audience.

There will be nine webinars in total, running until April 2024. The first session will provide an introduction to the series, with presentations from Prof. Wladimir Wertelecki (OMNI-NET Ukraine), Dr. Sylvia Roozen (IFSBH), and our very own ERN eUROGEN Coordinator, Wout Feitz.

All of the dates can be found on our list of upcoming webinars, along with the registration links when available.