Further to the submission of the evaluation, ERN eUROGEN has received its draft evaluation report from the Independent Evaluation Body (IEB). We are delighted to say that the report was incredibly positive overall. The IEB noted, in particular, that ERN eUROGEN was strong in the areas of governance, patient care, research and education, and networking and dissemination.
There were also some suggestions for improvement, which will be addressed through the new Quality Improvement Group (QIG) set up by the network. Clinicians based in ERN eUROGEN member HCPs can volunteer to join this group by emailing the Coordination Team by Monday, 3 July.
Furthermore, all our original HCP members have now also received their draft reports from the IEB. Again, these have been largely positive. The Coordination Team will be working with all the HCPs to help them respond to the reports and continue building on their progress over the next five years.