ERN eUROGEN Transition: Welcome to New Coordinators

ERN eUROGEN Transition: Welcome to New Coordinators

Due to Prof. Wout Feitz’s retirement on 8 May 2024, it became necessary to identify a new Coordinator for the ERN eUROGEN network. The Coordination team developed a “Coordinator and Workstream Lead Transition Protocol” to ensure both the optimal management of this process and the ERN’s business continuity. This protocol was shared with the EC and will be shared with other ERNs once the EC procedures included in our protocol are final.

The Dean of Radboudumc, the Coordinating Healthcare Provider for ERN eUROGEN, selected two candidates: Prof. Peter Mulders, Urologist, as Coordinator and Prof. Ivo de Blaauw, Paediatric Surgeon, as a Sub-Coordinator.

According to ERN eUROGEN’s Governance Statutes, the network’s Strategic Board was informed about the proposed candidates by email and had two weeks to approve them or give comments or alternative suggestions. The new candidates were unanimously approved, effective 1 June 2024.

Therefore, Peter and Ivo have been warmly welcomed into the ERN eUROGEN Coordination Team, and we look forward to their leadership over the coming years.