On 17-18 June, we hosted the very successful third annual Strategic Board Meeting of eUROGEN in Noordwijk, Netherlands. Wout Feitz (eUROGEN Coordinator) welcomed the 50 attendees from our Healthcare Providers, Affiliated Partners, European Patient Advisory Groups, Supporting Partners and the European Commission, who were there to give presentations, participate in clinical summits, or vote on future plans and strategy.
Prof Feitz also have an overview of current progress, ERN Coordination Group actions and working groups, monitoring and data collection, objectives and focus points, Clinical Patient Management System status, disease area expansion, Affiliated Partners, new developments in training and education (including funding for short term visits), a new ERN Registry call, the ERN research agenda, the European Joint Programme on Rare Diseases (EJP RD) and the Rare 2030 project.
The agenda, documents, presentations and these minutes are also available on the ERN Collaborative Platform (ECP) (Meetings > eUROGEN Meetings > 2019 > Strategic Board Meeting, Noordwijk, 17-18.06.2019).
Attendee feedback was that this was the best meeting so far, and we look forward to building on this and welcoming delegates to next year’s meeting, which will be held from 8-9 June 2020 at the Grand Hotel Huis ter Duin, Noordwijk, Netherlands.