On 28 November 2023, a meeting of the ERN Managers Working Group for the 24 ERNs took place. The group is co-chaired by ERN eUROGEN (Michelle Battye) and ERN ReCONNET, the ERN for Rare and Complex Connective Tissue and Musculoskeletal Diseases (Diana Marinello).
The main topic of the meeting was the ERN Member (HCP) Performance Indicator System, a new Key Performance Indicator (KPI) for all ERNs, which was included in the call for ERN proposals in September 2023.
Four ERNs already have a system in place: ERN eUROGEN (the European Reference Network on uro-recto-genital diseases and conditions), ERN ERKNet (the European Reference Network on kidney diseases), ERN RND (the European Reference Network on neurological diseases), and Endo-ERN (the European Reference Network on endocrine conditions).
All 24 ERNs are expected to be using a system by 2024, so the ERNs without such a system were keen to learn from those with an operational system. The meeting was very fruitful and highlighted how sharing information and knowledge across the ERNs can save time and duplication of effort and resources.
The group also discussed the Grant Agreement Process between the ERNs and the European Commission and the development of a more harmonised and professional approach to the ERN patient journeys and pathways.