Non-syndromic urogenital tract malformations refer to a group of congenital anomalies affecting the development of the urinary and/or reproductive systems that are not associated with any known genetic syndromes. These malformations can involve various parts of the urinary and/or reproductive tract, such as the kidneys, ureters, bladder, urethra, or genitals, and can present with a range of symptoms and severity levels. Diagnosis of non-syndromic urogenital tract malformations may involve imaging studies, genetic testing, and other diagnostic tests, and treatment may involve medical management, surgical interventions, or a combination of both. The cause of many non-syndromic urogenital tract malformations is not well understood, but may involve a combination of genetic and environmental factors. Expertise Area Coordinator: Giovanni Mosiello Vice-EAC: Kate Abrahamsson AT Linz Ordensklinikum, BE Antwerp UZ, BE Leuven UZ, DE Munich LMUK, DE Leipzig UK, DE Mannheim UK, DE Regensburg UK, DE Tübingen UK, DE Ulm UK, DK Aarhus DNU, DK Copenhagen Rigshospitalet, ES Barcelona Sant Joan, ES Barcelona Vall d’Hebron, ES Madrid La Paz, ES Barcelona Fundació Puigvert, FI Helsinki HUS, FR Paris Necker, FR Paris Robert-Debré, IT Bergamo Papa Giovanni XXIII, IT Padua AOU, IT Turin AOU, IT Milan Policlinico, IT Rome Bambino Gesu, LT Vilnius SK, LV Riga BKUS, NL Rotterdam Erasmus, NL Nijmegen Radboudumc, NL Utrecht UMC, PL Gdansk MUG, PL Krakow USD, SE Stockholm Karolinska, SE Gothenburg Sahlgrenska, SE Lund SUS, SE Uppsala AkademiskaEA 1.4 Non-Syndromic Urogenital Tract Malformation
Expertise Area Coordinator and Vice-EAC
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