Complex urethral reconstruction in males with case presentations
Posted on 3 April 2020 in News

On Tuesday the 14th April at 18:00 CEST, we will be continuing our series of eUROGEN webinars with a presentation by Prof. Margit Fisch and Dr. Tim Ludwig from Universitätsklinikum Hamburg-Eppendorf.
The webinar will give an overview on current concepts for treatment of urethral stricture disease. Recommendations with respect to current guidelines will be presented. Own concepts are introduced. Indications for one- and two-staged procedures are discussed. This encompasses urethral reconstruction using End-to-End anastomosis and free grafts (prepuce, buccal mucosa, MESH-graft).
After a short overview as introduction, cases of complex strictures will be presented, and therapeutic options discussed.
You can register for the event here.