On Tuesday 22nd June at 18:00 CEST, we will be continuing our series of eUROGEN ARM webinars.
This webinar will be presented by Dr. Stefanie Märzheuser from Charité Universitätmedizin Berlin and Annette Lemli, co-chairwoman of SoMA, the German patient organisation for anorectal malformations (ARMs) and Hirschsprung Disease. It is aimed at both healthcare professionals and patient groups.
Despite good surgical repair of ARMs and optimal pull-through in Hirschsprung disease, impaired bowel function is a common issue. Bowel Management and transanal irrigation are established means to control symptoms of incontinence and increase patients’ quality of life.
Hydrosonography assesses the amount of fluid needed to clean the colon from the anal canal to the cecum. Sonography is performed after colonic preparation and is useful for the detection of incomplete stool evacuation. Lack of radiation exposure makes it a useful option for assessment and follow-up of therapeutic efforts, both in pediatric and older patients. The ability to tailor treatment to individual patients keeps hospitalization to a minimum.
With the help of self-management, we can make children independent from parents and carers prior to puberty.
The ARM webinar series covers all aspects of paediatric colorectal surgery, in particular (congenital) anorectal malformations. They are joint presentations between ERNs eUROGEN and ERNICA, and are supported by the European Paediatric Surgeons’ Association (EUPSA).
You can register here for this event.
Details of other forthcoming eUROGEN webinars, as well as links to previous webinars, can be found here.