ERN eUROGEN Patient Journey for Anorectal Malformation

ERN eUROGEN Patient Journey for Anorectal Malformation

We are delighted to announce the publication of a new version of the ERN eUROGEN Patient Journey for Anorectal Malformation (ARM).

Many thanks to our European Patient Advocacy Group (ePAG) representatives Nicole Schwarzer (SoMA e.V.), Dalia Aminoff (AIMAR), and Kate Tyler (EAT) for their tremendous efforts in pulling together this essential document, which provides an overview of important stages throughout the patient’s life, from the first signs and symptoms to diagnosis, surgery, and aftercare in the early years, from school age to adolescence, and to issues sometimes faced in adulthood.

You can view the journey below or download it here.

ERN eUROGEN Patient Journey for ARM 2024