Urethral Reconstruction in Rare Diseases & Conditions

EA 2.3 Urethral Reconstruction in Rare Diseases & Conditions

Urethral reconstruction in rare diseases and conditions refers to surgical procedures that aim to repair or reconstruct the urethra in cases of congenital anomalies or acquired conditions that affect its structure or function. These conditions can include rare diseases such as urethral duplication or cloacal anomalies, or acquired conditions such as urethral stricture or urethral cancer. Urethral reconstruction may involve various techniques, such as urethral dilation, urethral stent placement, or open surgical procedures such as urethroplasty, depending on the location and severity of the urethral abnormality. In some cases, tissue grafts or flaps may be used to reconstruct the urethra, and in other cases, the urethra may need to be completely rerouted or replaced.

Expertise Area Coordinator and Vice-EAC

Expertise Area Coordinator:

Gunter de Win



Conditions and Codes

  • Urethral stricture, urethral fistula: ICD-10 Codes N35, N36

Healthcare Providers

BE Antwerp UZ, BE Leuven UZ, DE Hamburg-Eppendorf UK, ES Madrid 12 de Octubre, ES Barakaldo Cruces, ES Barcelona Fundació Puigvert, ES Santander Valdecilla, IT Padua AOU, IT Rome Gemelli, NL Nijmegen Radboudumc, NL Utrecht UMC, SE Stockholm Karolinska, SE Lund SUS, SE Uppsala Akademiska

Additional Resources