Adult Uro-Recto-Genital Reconstructive Surgery

EA 2.6 Adult Uro-Recto-Genital Reconstructive Surgery (Transition from WS1)

This Expertise Area (EA) relates to patients transitioning from paediatric care under Workstream 1: Rare congenital uro-recto-genital anomalies once they reach adulthood. Adult uro-recto-genital reconstructive surgery is a specialised surgical subspecialty that focuses on restoring function and normal anatomy to the urinary tract and reproductive system of adult patients who have congenital abnormalities, acquired conditions, or injuries that affect these systems. This type of surgery involves complex procedures to repair, reconstruct, or replace parts of the urinary and genital organs, including the kidneys, ureters, bladder, urethra, prostate, and genitalia. The goal of adult uro-recto-genital reconstructive surgery is to improve patients’ quality of life by addressing problems such as urinary incontinence, bladder dysfunction, urethral strictures, uro-recto-genital malformations, and sexual dysfunction.

Expertise Area Coordinator and Vice-EAC

Expertise Area Coordinator: Raimund Stein

Vice-EAC: vacant

Conditions and Codes

  • From congenital malformations: See Workstream 1 Expertise Areas
  • Rare tumours with highly specialized surgery:
    • Nephroblastoma (Wilms’ tumor): ORPHAcode 654
    • Neuroblastoma: ORPHAcodes 635
    • Rhabdomyosarcoma: ORPHAcode 780,
    • Vulvovaginal rhabdomyosarcoma: ORPHAcode 206492,
    • Rhabdomyosarcoma of the cervix uteri: ORPHAcode 213802,
    • Rhabdomyosarcoma of the corpus uteri: ORPHAcode 213615
    • Malignant neoplasm of other connective and soft tissue, unspecified: ICD-10 Code C49.9
    • Malignant neoplasm of vagina: ICD-10 Code C52
    • Malignant neoplasm of cervix uteri: ICD-10 Codes C53, C53.1, C53.8
    • Malignant neoplasm of corpus uteri: ICD-10 Code C54.2
    • Malignant neoplasm of kidney, except renal pelvis: ICD-10 Code C64
    • Malignant neoplasm of adrenal gland: ICD-10 Code C74.9

Healthcare Providers

BE Antwerp UZ, DE Mannheim UK, DE Hamburg-Eppendorf UK, ES Barcelona Fundació Puigvert, NL Utrecht UMC