Posterior Hypospadias

EA 1.6 Posterior Hypospadias

Hypospadias is a congenital abnormality of the male external genitalia where the urethral opening is located on the underside of the penis instead of the tip. Posterior hypospadias specifically refers to a form of hypospadias where the urethral opening is located closer to the scrotum, closer to the base of the penis, or in the perineum (the area between the scrotum and anus). In posterior hypospadias, the degree of abnormality is more severe than in other forms of hypospadias, and surgical correction may be necessary to improve urination, sexual function, and cosmetic appearance. The condition is typically diagnosed soon after birth and may be associated with other birth defects or genetic syndromes.

Expertise Area Coordinator and Vice-EAC

Expertise Area Coordinator:

Magdalena Fossum


Alessandro Morlacco


Conditions and Codes

Healthcare Providers

AT Linz Ordensklinikum, BE Antwerp UZ, BE Leuven UZ, CZ Prague VFN, DE Mannheim UK, DE Regensburg UK, DE Tübingen UK, DE Ulm UK, DE Hamburg-Eppendorf UK, DK Aarhus DNU, DK Copenhagen Rigshospitalet, ES Barcelona Sant Joan, ES Barcelona Vall d’Hebron, ES Madrid La Paz, ES Barcelona Fundació Puigvert, FI Helsinki HUS, FR Paris Robert-Debré, IT Bergamo Papa Giovanni XXIII, IT Padua AOU, IT Bologna AOU, IT Milan Policlinico, IT Rome Bambino Gesu, LT Vilnius SK, LV Riga BKUS, NL Nijmegen Radboudumc, NL Utrecht UMC, PL Gdansk MUG, PL Krakow USD, SE Stockholm Karolinska, SE Gothenburg Sahlgrenska, SE Lund SUS, SE Uppsala Akademiska