Bladder exstrophy is a congenital abnormality in which the bladder is exposed outside of the body, as the pelvic bones and muscles that usually support it do not properly form. This can lead to a variety of associated anomalies, including problems with bladder function and urination, as well as genital and reproductive abnormalities. Bladder exstrophy is a complex condition that may require multiple surgeries and a team approach for comprehensive care. She was responsible for the paediatric urology team in Gothenburg for many years before moving to Stockholm in 2019 when Stockholm became the Swedish national centre for bladder exstrophy. Her research and publications are mainly about posterior urethral valves and differences in sex development (DSD), including hypospadias and bladder exstrophy. AT Linz Ordensklinikum, BE Ghent UZ, BE Leuven UZ, CZ Prague VFN, DE Munich LMUK, DE Leipzig UK, DE Mannheim UK, DE Regensburg UK, DE Tübingen UK, DE Ulm UK, DK Aarhus DNU, DK Copenhagen Rigshospitalet, ES Barcelona Sant Joan, ES Madrid La Paz, ES Barcelona Fundació Puigvert, FR Paris Necker, FR Paris Robert-Debré, IT Padua AOU, IT Milan Policlinico, IT Rome Bambino Gesu, LT Vilnius SK, LV Riga BKUS, NL Nijmegen Radboudumc, NL Utrecht UMC, PL Gdansk MUG, SE Stockholm Karolinska, SE Gothenburg Sahlgrenska, SE Uppsala AkademiskaEA 1.2 Bladder Exstrophy/Epispadias
Expertise Area Coordinator and Vice-EAC
Expertise Area Coordinator: Alaa El Ghoneimi
Vice-EAC: Gundela Holmdahl
Gundela Holmdahl is Section Chief of Paediatric Urology at the Karolinska University Hospital, Stockholm, Sweden, a Senior Consultant in Paediatric Urology, an Associate Professor, a Fellow of the European Academy of Paediatric Urology (FEAPU), and a member of the ESPU board.
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