Our upcoming webinars are below (sign-up links are usually available 1-2 weeks prior). You can subscribe here to receive webinar alerts as well as our monthly newsletter. Webinar sessions take place on Zoom, usually starting at 18:00 CET/CEST and lasting for around 1 hour. Date Workstream Accredited Title Presenter(s) Link 13/03/25 WS1 Yes Long-term complications of surgical reconstruction of the lower urinary tract Roger Dmochowski & Giovanni Mosiello 26/03/25 WS1 Yes Paediatric renal transplantation in patients with posterior urethral valves Matthieu Peycelon & Alaa El Ghoneimi 02/04/25 WS1 Yes Proximal hypospadias with a short urethral plate Radim Kocvara, Josef Sedlacek 09/04/25 WS1 Pending MIS in Hirschsprung disease: state of the art Martin Lacher 10/04/25 WS1 Yes Fertility and sexuality Giovanni Mosiello, TBD 07/05/25 TBC Alessandro Giammo & TBC 14/05/25 WS3 Yes Penile cancer care in the Netherlands: An example of centralisation of care for rare cancers Oscar Brouwer 15/05/25 WS1 Pending Living with Spina Bifida: daily challenges and opportunities Giovanni Mosiello, Sylvia Roozen, TBD 28/05/25 WS2 Tissue engineering as applied to the urinary tract - is it a reality? Chris Chapple 04/06/25 WS2 Pending Deferred management of urethral trauma Félix Campos Juanatey 11/06/25 WS1 Pending New techniques for vestibular and perineal fistulas 18/06/25 WS1 Pending Anal lipofilling: when-why-how, outcomes and ethical considerations Vincenzo Davide Catania, Mario Lima, Ivo de Blaauw, Dalia Aminoff & Mira Vegter 19/06/25 WS1 Pending Bowel management in spina bifida Giovanni Mosiello, TBD 16/07/25 WS1 Pending MIS in ARM: state of the art Yamataka 10/09/25 WS1 Pending Fluorescence in pediatric colorectal surgery Jetske Ruiterkamp, Willemieke Tummers & Carles Giné 15/10/25 WS1 Pending Anatomical and prenatal studies in anrorectal malformations Pim Sloots, Annelieke Schepens-Franke, Yuichiro Miyake 05/11/25 WS1 Pending ERN eUROGEN guidelines for ARM: overview and clinical impact Jan Gosemann, Ramon Gorter & Willemijn Irvine Please note:
Upcoming Webinars