The experts in our network have published numerous papers in peer-reviewed academic and scientific journals on topics related to the Expertise Areas covered by ERN eUROGEN. Publications are grouped below according to their publication date. Those marked with [*] represent publications involving at least two ERN eUROGEN members from at least two EU/EEA Member States (i.e., those eligible for reporting to the European Commission). When reporting papers as deliverables to the EC, we can only include publications that: Example Acknowledgements: (To check your acknowledgement, please contact the ERN eUROGEN Coordination Team.) For HCP members to use when it is not consensus work: “[Insert names] are employees of Healthcare Providers that are Full Members/Affiliated Partners [delete as appropriate] of ERN eUROGEN, the European Reference Network for Rare Uro-Recto-Genital Diseases and Complex Conditions. ERN eUROGEN is funded by the European Union. The views contained within do not necessarily represent the views of the whole network.” For ePAG representatives to use when it is not consensus work: “[Insert names] are European Patient Advocacy Group (ePAG) Representatives of ERN eUROGEN, the European Reference Network for Rare Uro-Recto-Genital Diseases and Complex Conditions. ERN eUROGEN is funded by the European Union. The views contained within do not necessarily represent the views of the whole network.” For consensus work: “This work has been produced in consensus by [add HCPs and clinical experts] and has been supported non-financially/financially [delete as appropriate] by ERN eUROGEN, the European Reference Network for Rare Uro-Recto-Genital Diseases and Complex Conditions. ERN eUROGEN is funded by the European Union.”
Scientific Publications